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What do you need to know before attending your first somatic breathwork session?There are a few things to be aware of before entering the space of breathwork. Firstly, and this goes with working with any practitioner. Find a facilitator you resonate with, ideally, someone yo...
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What is The Schumann Resonance?

The Schumann Resonance: At this point, you’ve probably come across photos—often shared in spiritual communities—of a linear graph with a blue background. The graph typically displays what looks like some sort of frequency, usually shown in green or white. These posts a...
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I've drank/worked with cacao for about 4 years now and have seen first hand how supportive it can be for myself and my clients. So much so that I offer it as part of my coaching packages. However i'd never had the chance to see the trees first hand....
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Shifting through emotion

November 1, 2024
As I sit here and write this, surrounded by vibrant house plants, the first taste of spring sun warming my back, the lingering taste of cacao on my lips. I'm very grateful to be in this space to look back with gratitude on the last few weeks that were.I would have felt immea...
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I was reminded recently of a time in my life that, looking back, feels like a bad dream, such a distant memory that it's hard to believe that at one stage it was even a part of my reality. Growing up I spent a lot of time sick, often with chest infections.It became a bi...
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First off I should say, that this is what I would have done if it weren't illegal to house-sit on a tourist visa, and I'm a law-abiding citizen. If it were legal, my trip may have looked something like this..I was a month or so into my travels abroad after I'd taken the leap...
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The infamous Gallbladder Cleanse. I've preached about this for years and threatened to write about it for just as long, but I never quite get around to it. Mostly because afterwards, it’s the last thing I want to relive. But here I am, taking one for the team.So, what's a ...
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This is the blog I wrote after completing a one-month/4000km camping trip around NZ, over summer/New Years break, almost a year ago.This year I decided to do things a little differently. Whereas normally I would write my new years resolutions out, this time I decided to try ...
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I wrote this piece about 20 months ago, maybe longer. I have slightly edited it for more modern times but wanted to keep the essence. Enjoy.What a topic… I feel like I’m going to have to be cautious with what I choose to focus on in this post as spirituality can be seen/...
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Navigating Breath

November 1, 2024
I vividly recall the morning I signed up for the Owaken breathwork facilitator training. I mean, how could I not. It was a bone-chilling night in the Kaimai Ranges, just out of Tauranga. One I hadn’t really been prepared for, so I was cocooned deep within my sleeping ...
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