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First post

In all honesty the idea of starting a blog came to me in a dream about six months ago. I don’t remember the exact situation but I was with a group of famous individuals, but for some reason all the focus was on me, someone said to me “I love your website”, and I remember in the dream being really confused because I didn’t have one. That thought has stuck with me to the point where I decided I may as well make one, what have I got to loose.

Writing a blog seems pretty ridiculous when I think about it. I mean, The blog name actually came to me during my first session with Ayahuasca, at the time the phrase didn’t make much sense, but I think it makes for a great blog title. When I look back at my life to date I feel like I have spent too much time searching, or waiting around for some miracle for someone to come along and offer me that perfect job that will “solve all my problems”. Creating this blog is me acknowledging that no one is going to come along and save me and that I need to make the change myself, no longer expecting a handout. I have no idea how it will become financially viable, and maybe it won't, but I know that if I don’t take responsibility and do something, make something, there will be no forward movement.

“Nothing must be postponed. Take time by the forelock. Now or never! You must live in the present, launch yourself on every wave, find your eternity in each moment.” – Henry Thoreau

I actually started this website months ago, but like most designers, I fraternised over the details, instead of just getting, something, anything online. It dawned on me that I could come back to the details later, as no one visits a website without content.

I’m excited to look back at this page in a year's time or maybe 10 and see what it has become. Thanks for taking the time to have a look.




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