Cacao adventure in the Solomon Islands
February 11, 2025
I've drank/worked with cacao for about 4 years now and have seen first hand how supportive it can be for myself and my clients. So much so that I offer it as part of my coaching packages. However i'd never had the chance to see the trees first hand....
Living rent free. My experience house sitting in the UK and Europe
November 1, 2024
First off I should say, that this is what I would have done if it weren't illegal to house-sit on a tourist visa, and I'm a law-abiding citizen. If it were legal, my trip may have looked something like this..I was a month or so into my travels abroad after I'd taken the leap...
Pushing the envelope - An Adventure
November 1, 2024
This is the blog I wrote after completing a one-month/4000km camping trip around NZ, over summer/New Years break, almost a year ago.This year I decided to do things a little differently. Whereas normally I would write my new years resolutions out, this time I decided to try ...
My packing list for the Camino de Santiago
November 1, 2024
When you carry everything you need on your back for a month it becomes pretty apparent rather quickly what items you do or don’t need.Based on a recommendation I found online I made sure my pack weighed no more than 10% of my body weight. For me, that was 7kg including wat...
Like many experiences of this nature, it’s hard to put into words the values of completing the Camino de Santiago. I have articulated myself as best I can, with the intention of not creating a false expectation to the reader of what they should expect from their own experi...
Tapping into Ancient Egypt
November 1, 2024
Before I dive into my gritty Egyptian adventure it’s important to bring it back to where my love of Egypt began because this had been a trip in the making for a long time. Decades in fact. Last year I was looking back through my school exercise books. I was surprised to se...